Japanese Cosmetic Acupuncture
Clinical Research
For research on how Acupuncture may help skin conditions click on the links below:
For research on how Acupuncture may help skin conditions click on the links below:
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is hugely effective in helping the body cope with stress, and alleviating symptoms, and research is abundant in demonstrating this. http://www.onlinejcf.com/article/S1071-9164(02)00448-7/
Research has shown that Acupuncture can be highly effective in treating Impotence.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic,
The Palms Centre, The Avenue,
Gorey, Co. Wexford
Tel: 053 94 83155
Mobile: 087 645 2409
email: info@bodymatters.ie