This is a list of questions that people frequently ask when they contact us.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a 4,000 year old Chinese Medicine, which involves the insertion of a very fine, sterile, single use, disposable needles along meridians or channels of energy or “Qi” ( pronounced “chee”). The word ‘acupuncture’ is derived from the Latin words ‘acu’ which means needle and ‘punctura’ which translates into puncture, a term first proposed by the Dutch physician, William Ten Rhyne, in the 17th century. Acupuncture is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (usually abbreviated to TCM) which also includes Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tuina (a form of massage), Dietary Therapy, and special Exercise Therapy known as Qi Gong.
How Does it Work?
Traditional Chinese Medicine state that when healthy, our Qi or life force runs through our body in a network of channels or meridians. Perfect health is a free flow of Qi. An interruption of blockage can create imbalance, blockage or stagnation, which itself can result in illness. The professional practitioner is trained to assess an individual, looking at all aspects of the person, to identify imbalances, and carry out a professional treatment in a holistic manner.Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points along the body’s meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of qi . The practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using other methods, including moxibustion, cupping, laser therapy, electro-stimulation and massage, in order to re-establish the flow of qi.
Acupuncture involves needles – Does it Hurt?
Generally speaking, Acupuncture should not be painful. When your practitioner inserts a needle, she looks for signs that Qi has arrived by any one of a number of signs. You may feel a dull ache, perhaps a feeling of electricity or tingling, a sensation of heat or cold, or it may just feel strange. Sometimes you can feel Qi running up or down the body or a limb. It is important that the sensation of Qi be felt. Occasionally you may like you’ve been stung by a bee. This can be somewhat uncomfortable, but should pass almost immediately. If it doesn’t, tell your practitioner right away so she can adjust or remove the needle. Occasionally you may feel a throbbing ache, which may also be somewhat uncomfortable, especially if you are being treated for a chronic condition. At no time, though, should you have any sensation that is beyond your tolerance level. If you do, let your practitioner know right away. The fact is that the vast majority of clients report that, after a while, they begin to feel a real sense of well-being, almost euphoria.
How Many Treatments and How Often?
There is no set formula for the number and frequency of treatments as each patient’s health history and response to treatments are quite unique. Typically, the recommendation is 1-3 treatments per week depending on the severity and duration of the condition. Patients may respond favorably after one treatment, or may require several months of treatments to reach their health goals.
Can I continue with other care I have been receiving?
Yes. Acupuncture will not interfere with other healthcare modalities. In fact, it may enhance other therapies such as; massage, chiropractic care, physical therapy and fertility care. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are frequently used to reduce the side effects of cancer treatments and complications of HIV/AIDS medicines.
Will my insurance cover Acupuncture treatments?
Most insurance plans do cover Acupuncture benefits. Please contact your insurance provider to find out exactly what your benefits are. We are registered with VHI, Quinn Healthcare and VIVAS health insurers in Ireland.
Do I need to make an appointment?
Yes. Because different treatments require sessions of different durations, an appointment is necessary. This also avoids any undue delay.
Does acupuncture conflict with western medicine and should I continue taking my medication?
No, acupuncture does not conflict with Western medicine, and can be used as a complementary therapy. You should continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor. At no point should you discontinue any medication without consulting with your GP.